I was recently introduced to two Lenko snow machines and was really interested to see them working. Because of the multitude of nozzles making a fine mist, they are supposed to make snow really well. Upon firing it up, however, most were dribbling, and many more were clogged up altogether.
I started going through the work of removing the nozzles. There were 450 nozzles per machine plus an inner piece that needed disassembling as well to make a total of 1800 parts that needed cleaning!
I used CLR and an electric toothbrush to slowly clean all of the pieces. They were very calcified and the o-rings were cracking. After cleaning, I found that they were quite tacky and gave all the parts a hot water bath. I put new o-rings on as I assembled all the nozzles.
The difference after cleaning was visually striking. We flushed the machines with no nozzles in them to try to blast any residual build up out of the rings. Then we put all the nozzles back by hand to avoid over tightening or cross-threading. The machines work amazing now, and produce a lot of snow.